
Venture Church Network Southwest helps churches take bold next steps. VCNSW wants to see gospel-centered transformational churches in every community. We curate the strengths of churches and leaders in our network.

View our Statement of Faith

Our Values


Gospel Driven

In the past, we moved away from a faithless gospel; Now we’re moving toward a life-giving faith.

We are committed to an expanding gospel movement through strengthening local church pastors and the churches they serve to boldly and strategically advance the gospel in their communities. Our conviction is every believer must be bold in engaging their culture with the good news of Jesus Christ, with a humility that we too need to be transformed, sustained, and renewed by that same gospel message. The gospel has to drive a lived-out faith that creates a culture of disciples loving God, and loving our neighbor, including caring for “the least of these.”

Biblically Focused

In the past we moved away from a disintegrating theology; Now we’re moving toward an incarnational strategy.

At Venture Church Network, our missional movement must be shaped by the grace and truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ—that Jesus came as the “Word made flesh” at a specific time and in a specific place. This truth applies to every place in our life, culture and world. We are committed and agree together to the core doctrines of Scripture as our final authority, calling us to a lived out faith. We acknowledge our theological foundation while celebrating a variety of contextualized ministry forms that advance Christ’s mission.

Disciple Making

In the past we moved away from a safe place to stagnate; Now we’re moving toward a risky place to grow.

Acts is the story of the gospel proclaimed, creating believers who are being shaped into the image of Jesus. These disciples are forming communities called ekklesias, with leaders and elders being raised to continue the movement of multiplication and strengthening of disciples and churches. This venture of believers and churches multiplied and empowered passionate leaders to advance a clear and biblically rooted gospel message with a tenacious contextualization. They advanced in the power of the Holy Spirit, despite context, risk, or danger. Our posture is to see the intentional raising up of next-generation Christ-like disciples and leaders equipped to propagate the gospel for a never-ending cycle of disciple-making.

Relationally Committed

In the past we moved away from meeting a historical obligation; Now we’re moving toward choosing a synergistic partnership.“

Our conviction is that a healthy effective local church is essential for the gospel to flourish. While locally self-governing, the church and its leaders serve best in generous and cooperative interdependent relationships with other like-minded ministries and leaders.  Together around the gospel. provides space and freedom to risk, play, dream in a secure environment of our relationship with one another and the Word. We believe the Biblical directive to spur one another on calls us to a “fierce cooperation” with each other in order to advance the mission of Jesus.”